Looking for a break from coffee/caffeine? Try 'Witch Coffee'! It's an herbal substitute/no caffeine, yet packs a powerful punch like the strength of coffee. Couple this recipe with "seed cycling" and you've got yourself and herbal latte!
French Press 1 Tbsp. Chicory Root & 1 tsp. Dandelion Root
Wait 4 mins to steam
Grind in coffee grinder or pestle & mortar until a fluffy powder:
1/2 Tbsp. each of Raw Sunflower Seeds & Sesame Seeds for the 1st two weeks of your menstrual cycle.
Replace the above seeds with 1/2 Tbsp. each of Raw Pumpkin seeds & Flax seeds for the last two weeks before your next period
Combine all ingredients into a blender, add cinnamon, & 1 tsp. honey
Blend until creamy & frothy like a latte