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Create Your Nest!

The Importance of Creating a Sacred Space for Your BEST IDEAS & AWARENESS to Find You!

Many have a favorite spot in their home; a spot where they feel safe and whole, a spot to restore and recharge, inspire creativity, and a spot to dream of the marvelous person they will become. For me, that spot is “The Nest”. It’s what I call my wicker, suspended, bouncy-chair-of-destiny! I visit “The Nest” to dream up new and creative projects, process information, and to feel 'hugged', given my mother lives over a thousand miles away. The first time I ever sat in “The Nest“, I imagined it comparable to my growing inside my mother’s womb. It felt like a suspended chamber of warmth and safety, and a ‘nest’ to craft and breathe new life into the world by my design.

A reading nook with a lamp, foot stool and "nest-like" chair
Create Your Nest!

This morning I woke as usual, to the moon taking its final bow as the sun sleepily entered stage left; despite the fact I went to bed less than six hours before. It was too early for overhead lights, so I plugged in my new Christmas tree, made a cup of coffee, and reassigned my office lamp to sit atop my massage stool. My way was lit, my safety abundant, and creativity a-burst! For two hours I 'captured and conquered' in my journal self-discovery, present conundrums, lessons learned in 2019, ‘holy-sh*t’ ideas, and magickal ones worth pursuing. A remarkable way to start the day!

Don’t have a nest yet? No need to fret; it's never too late to make one. Find a place where you feel safe and abundant, and commit to visit there regularly. Prioritize taking time for yourself and remember your actions to create your "nest" will usher in opportunities of happiness-provided your willingness to follow through:

Build your "man-cave", "craft room", "stargazing-nook", "hula-hoop den", etc. to restore, regroup, and suss-out the plethora of brilliant ideas waiting for you!

Your “nest” doesn’t have to be inside your house either. It can be a favorite trail, park, or hilltop, sitting by the pond in your backyard, detoxing in the sauna at your gym, it could be any number of things. One of my best friends in Montana, offered up her second bedroom to be a “nest” for a friend of hers. This friend is a mother to several kiddos and had no space to recharge and care for herself. This donated room became her safe and tranquil haven, to sew, create, rest, and rejuvenate. The more time she spent there, honoring to take time for herself, to create and think unapologetically, allowed her to become an even better parent. “Nest” possibilities are endless. What’s important is that the space CALLS TO YOU, and is persuasive enough that you’ll want to visit and often. To prioritize your "nest time", make it a habit; commit to making it part of your monthly, weekly, or daily ritual. Whether you work from home or at a business, whether you’re a stay-at-home parent and/or entrepreneur, it’s crucial to have your own “nest”. Create your “nest”! You’ll be glad you did. And for those of you who already have such a space, or those who are getting up from their computer to create one right now, I encourage you to post a photo of yours below. What does your nest look like? Happy ‘sticks ‘n spit’, Niene Pugliano

Explore our 'how & why' we use the word "Magick" instead of "Magic" here:

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