If you're anything like me, you're probably experiencing the same thoughts I had when perusing others' witchy-woo websites thinking, "That poor bastard; he/she keeps misspelling the word 'magic'!" So, I'm following suit, and writing this wee-post to explain why I use the word 'Magick' throughout my website instead of 'Magic'. It's intentional I promise. LOL, and even now, with my spell-checker going berserk, underlining in red-squiggles every time I type 'Magick' on my site, I'm here to share with you the difference between the two.
'Magick' is the archaic-spelling for magic. Both spellings are nouns, but as time progressed, the meaning of both versions has become lost on the majority of global populace. 'Magic' is the most popular spelling used today, yet unknown to most, actually refers to Illusionists, and those who practice illusions for audiences. Pulling a rabbit out of a hat, sawing a woman in half, and marvelous 'escapes' are all examples of magic that Illusionists perform.
'Magick' refers to those that live and practice the esoteric arts of honoring/blessing nature, all her creatures and elements, and strive to live 'in-relationship' with them all. It defines the efforts behind those who acquire numerous skills to alter states of reality while abiding by the laws of nature. It wasn't until the late 1990's-early 2000's that 'magick' fully woke from her two-hundred-year-long nap and started making appearances in both literature and movies. 'Waking from a nap' is the nice way to put three and a half centuries worth of townsfolk being wrongfully tortured, scrutinized, and publicly-executed by the church, rulers, and their congregants (but the misuse and bastardization of the word 'witch' is another, and much LONGER blog away)...
I promised a wee-post; So, to sum it up, 'Magick' is for occult practices, and 'Magic' is for entertainment/performing purposes!
