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Space Smells!

Interesting "FUN-FACT" crossed my path recently! I was meeting with one of my author clients for my other consulting business (, and he shared that he used to work with a former NASA astronaut! Oh the tales I immediately wanted to hear...but alas, I was gifted just one! This former astronaut told him that he hated spacewalks because "Space Smells!"

This is where the sideways, dog-head-tilt/record scratch comes in..."What do you mean?" I asked. "How to do you smell space?!"

Sad Pug dog in an astronaut suit, floating in space
Sad Space Pug

So as it happens, when astronauts return from time spent outside the shuttle, their space suits reek of "rotten eggs"!!! All the burning gases of space, leave a "sulfur scent" that apparently clings to their space suits and makes the ship all stinky! Bonkers!

Maybe everyone knows about this already, but I just found this fascinating, and wanted to share. :) Other articles on Google insisted on taking the smell of space further to say space smells like "burning metal," "an acrid smell," "walnuts and brake pads," "gunpowder," "burnt almond cookie," "barbecue", and "seared meats"!

*artwork by Adobe Stock images.

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