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How Herb'n Oracle Defines the Word 'WITCH'

Let me 'Put You at Ease' right away, and share that of the two 'Witch' posts I have so far, THIS ONE IS the Feel-Good/Warm-Fuzziest!

And maybe that goes without saying, seeing how the word 'Demonized' is in the title of my other blog post?...But here at Herb'n Oracle, to be a 'Witch' is a blessing! A Witch is a person who wants to/or has unearthed their Soul's Purpose i.e. their unique contribution to the planet and its civilizations, & is acting and serving from that potential. A 'Witch' is a person in their power; and we don't mean "I run Wall Street"-kind-of-power, but the kind of power that comes from honoring 'there's no one in the world quite like you'! This is an indigenous-potential that resides in everyone, lingering-dormant in our tissues, waiting for us to 'wake-the-cuss up' and start contributing in ways only we, as individuals can! And that's not all...

To be a 'Witch' ALSO entails being a 'Sacred-Caretaker' to oneself, others, Mother Nature, Her elements, and all Her many creatures. Meaning...witches cannot successfully be of service to others, if they are not first taking care of themselves i.e. witches are all about self-care, self-healing, and practicing what they preach! Witches respect all life-forms, and act from a place of reverence and wisdom that all life has value! Furthermore, witches recognize that no species would exist or be able to survive, unless they advocate for the elements of the Earth, and inspire others to do so as well. And, a Witch is committed to positively-contribute to other's lives and how those lives interact with the planet i.e. a witch 'does no harm'.

Witches exist to inspire those who have yet to 'unearth' their Soul's Purpose, to heal the suffering, to invite all to live a life filled with intention, purpose, gratitude, and humble sovereignty. They are attuned to the connectedness of all things and thus are able to offer guidance and clarity surrounding past, present, and for our psychically-gifted sisters, even future events. And last, but not least of all, witches exist to re-acclimate the world to all the magick surrounding us every single day!

Goddess cuddling a barn owl perched on her shoulder

We are your Goddesses here on Earth! We are your artists, and chefs, designers and herbalists, we're your doctors and midwives, dulas and motivational-speakers. Witches are your life-coaches and healers; we're all the guiding-lights that inspire your potential to shine and thrive! Witches make the world better and work to coax and wake the sacredness of all things to surface!

That is the essence of 'Witch' here at Herb'n Oracle.

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