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An Invitation to 'Unearth' Your Guardians & Gate Keepers!

There is an assignment I am posing to our coven this month, that I thought I would open up to the rest of you. Here at Herb'n Oracle, we encourage inviting in the Guardians and Gate Keepers of the Five Elements (Spirit, Fire, Water, Air, & Earth) and the four directions (South, West, East, & North).

We do this to further earn relationship with the elements and spirits around us. We invite them to apprentice to their wisdom, to learn how we can become a better advocate for them, and to become vessels for their teachings. The part that is missing from this intention, is fully understanding "WHO" you're actually calling in!

For some, the Guardians of Fire & Gate Keepers of the South, may be a single guardian of Fire....could even be the spirit of Fire itself, and the Gate Keepers of the South could be a totally different GROUP of beings or the same being as the Guardian of FIre. There are many possibilities to how we interpret this relationship to those we call in. So here is what I propose:

For the next month, take some time to meditate, with intention that when you're "Inviting in the Guardians and Gate Keepers of the 5 elements and 4 directions", you are seeking for those Guardians & Gate Keepers to make themselves KNOWN to you. For them to identify themselves, share their names, their form with you.

Your experience of this exercise will produce completely unique results, and that is GOOD. You are your own person, and how you relate with the world and all it's beings will be unique onto you. Let's SHARE who is arriving for you, and how the experience of seeking these relationships, was like for you. :)

Post below if you ACCEPT this invitation, and I look forward to reading about your discoveries! :)

I REALLY enjoyed this experience of discovering who mine are. My Guardians and Gate Keepers turned out to be a GROUP of Guardians for each Element, and a SINGLE Gate Keeper for each direction.

My Guardians and Gate Keepers are as follows!

  • Guardians of Fire - A "Thunder" of Blueish-Crystal Dragons (back from Elemental times). They bound throughout the cosmos

  • Gate Keeper of the South - Desert Rock Troll named Nehsham (Nay-shh-Ahhmm) who is new to his post!

  • Guardians of Water - Udine’s (Mer-people, sirens, mermaids, water sprites and other water spirits)

  • Gate Keeper of the West - They/Them named Sonja (Sewn - juh). They’ve been at their post for eons and has a LARGE DEITY PRESENCE.

  • Guardians of Air - Pantheon of Angels that I'm really looking forward to getting to know better

  • Gate Keeper of the East – Goddess named Bodaghest ( Bō - duh-gay-sst)

  • Guardian of Earth - All the Worlds Wombs = Life feeds life. Honor your (my) womb.

  • Gate Keeper of the North - Tall Muscly-Being named Dayguhdesh. He’s made from mud, roots, and grasses, is a warrior who defends and protects the Earth and the world’s wombs.

  • I don't have a Gate Keeper for Spirit, just Guardians: My Guardians are MANY and comprised of TWO different Councils, "The Beautiful Many" and "The Powers that Be". My Lifetime Spirit Totem Ellyna is included as one of my Guardians, as is my Highest-Self. Those who sit on my Councils are too many to name here, and the members who watch out for me change overtime based on "need"....there are a few however who have remained and have always been there.

An Angel leaping in a cloud-filled sky

artwork by

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