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It's Already Done

Updated: Apr 9, 2024

There's a trick, well one of many, when it comes to successfully being able to manifest your heart's desires, and it's in acting "as if it's already happened/done/obtained."

Yesterday, I found myself doing sprints on the treadmill, a sequence of 8 rounds where I run as hard and as fast as I can for 60 seconds, than rest for 120 seconds. It was during one of my sprints, when my lungs were too occupied to notify me they were "on fire", that this wave of serenity washed over me. I was filled with such excitement and gratitude for my career and life in the Air Force and all the joy and stability it was bringing me.

Often times I find the "acting as if" part of manifesting such a cerebral thing, where it's a task my mind takes on, but if you have any experience in this yourself, you know it's harder to convince the body of a new reality. But this time, in that moment that peace and bliss came flooding in, I remembered how easy it's been to imagine myself "as if it's already happened" since I made this decision to join. My life plays out in dreams, in my daily visions; I have these flashes of my life to come, and I am filled with such gratitude each day as if I'm already years ahead.

Sometimes in these visions, I'm in basic training, sometimes I'm at my graduation embracing my family. In some visions I am overseas learning the language of the local area, making incredible friends and making a lot of cultural "whoopsies" along the way, with humor and grace. Lately, I've seen visions of myself taking a month long spiritual retreat during my block leave instead of flying home for a visit. Other times, I see myself back home in Bozeman, MT in uniform, bumping into old classmates, teachers, and friends.

This blooming into my Elder-Self and my Warrior-Self simultaneously is just the kind of chapter in The Book of Niene. I always seem to do things in my own way and in my own time. My journey truly has been by my own design. I would imagine in most minds, the journey of the warrior would come first and in the earlier years of someone's life. Those years where the naïve and ambitious are filled with vitality and vigor. I guess warrior can mean many different things, and in many ways, elders ARE warriors. Elders have survived battle after battle in this epic tale called life.

Eternal-Spirit, NightCafe Creator AI Generated Image
Eternal-Spirit, NightCafe Creator AI Generated Image

A contributing reason why I believe these "as if" imaginings feel so easy to summon, is because this journey completes another loop or familial-tie to my other lives; a sort of "Forever Warrior" stamp on my soul carried throughout the illusion of time. By stepping into this warrior role, like I have in so many other of my lives, I further fulfil journeys I've already traveled, and am that much closer to weaving NEW song-lines, cleansing deeper karma, and embody heightened wisdom and sharable gifts. This process, this journey, has made me feel more WHOLE.

And despite all the struggles I've faced, I deeply dive into a warm and dark, womb-like-gratitude for this incredible life that I've co-wove with numerous others magickal humans and spirits. Thank you so much to all those who had a part to play in my life's journey thus far. This latest chapter of my extraordinary life would not display as audaciously, colorfully, and vividly, were it not for your contributions of friendship, education, counsel, inspiration, challenges, and lessons.

Blessed be to all in life, above and below,


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