Before I dive into the magick of this year's Total Solar Eclipse in Aries, I will first catch you up to speed on my Enlistment journey with the Army...
Much to my discomfort, I have been inducted with welcoming arms into what the Army calls, "hurry-up and wait"! LOL. Since my last post, I have been down to MEPS for my medical examination and flew threw every test with flying colors! YAY! However, due to documents not being uploaded at the time I was physically there for my medical to go over them with the nurse, my medical exam is placed on HOLD until a staff member or more, reviews my documents to give me the official "all clear". I've been in a HOLD status for over three weeks now.
All of my paperwork should confirm that I have passed my medical, so I am not worried about it, it's just a waiting game at this point...and boy is waiting HARD for me. A good lesson for me in practicing patience to be sure, and further encourages and tests my discipline to continue with training and acting "as if" it's all come true already, despite delays.
Once I officially pass my medical on paper, then we will proceed to submit my college transcripts for review to get approval that I meet the requirements for the job I wish to secure as an Occupational Therapy Specialist. I've reviewed each requirement with my brother, and he agrees that all the classes I currently possess, qualify me for the OTS position. Fingers crossed that comes together quickly and that my recruiter is able to secure me my much desired position! While that's going on, I will also need my age waver to be approved which shouldn't be a problem considering my ASVAB score and passing my medical.
When those boxes have been checked, I can then venture back down to San Antonio where I will officially enlist in the ARMY and will find out what date I will attend basic training and where. So I may be attending basic a little further in the future than I had originally planned, but so long as I get to go, I'm in it for the long haul! All is well, I just need to continue practicing patience and exercising discipline.'re all caught up now!
Now let's explore the magick of witnessing my first Total Solar Eclipse, and how this transformational time is positively impacting my journey ahead! Total Solar Eclipse post is NEXT!